Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How To Approach Social Media In 2010

While most companies have come to agree that social media use is important, the “how” remains unclear in many cases. Ravit Lichtenberg, founder and chief strategist of Ustrategy, was good enough to give her thoughts on the subject during an interview at OMS 2010.

Lichtenberg tried to dispel what might be one common misconception by stating, “Social media itself is not a tool. It is a strategy.” She then added, “Every business should have a strategy around social media.”

Lichtenberg thinks it’s best to form this strategy in a vision-driven way. The question companies should ask themselves is, “Who do you want to be as a business when people see you online?” Coming up with an answer will help organizations pick their approach.

Deciding on an online identity will also help employees – who can be a business’s biggest advocates – know how to act online. And Lichtenberg thinks it isn’t wise for companies to forbid access to social networks, by the way.

Then here’s one last tip: before trying to use social media to help with lead generation and sales, conduct specific campaigns around factors like awareness, market share, and buzz. These things are better-suited to social media and serve as good starting points.

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