Monday, August 17, 2009

Understanding Semantics and Its Impact on SEO

Although there is no clear definition of semantics at this point, semantic technology and how it impacts search is sparking a lot of conversation of late. In the past, the search industry has focused primarily on keywords, but now, everyone wants to dig deeper and find the true meaning, or the semantics, behind various actions.

All the search engines have recently stepped up their efforts with semantic search and hope to better understand each user’s intent. For example, if a user searches for “cougar” are they looking for an animal, a car, or a TV series? Semantic technology has potential to provide a better understanding of that intent.

While many questions pertaining to semantics remain, one certainty that Dana Todd of Newsforce points out is that semantics go beyond keywords and produce new and intriguing data layers to calculate.

Where do you think semantics will take us moving forward? Do you have concerns about semantic search?

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