Friday, December 12, 2008



Tweet Virus

Revealed: A Powerful System That Turns Into Your Own FREE

24 Hour A Day Automated Branding, Traffic and Profit Machine

Dear friend,

Like many folks, maybe even you, I joined the Twitter bandwagon a few months ago after hearing all the buzz about it. I went ahead and made a simple profile and occasionally would make a post - known as a "tweet" about what I was up to during the day.

Up until recently, I only had about 100 "followers" in my network - people who had chosen to see the tweets I posted on their own Twitter pages.

Basically I was just using it to keep tabs on a few interesting people and bounce jokes back and forth with a couple of my friends.

At the time, I didn't see any real "marketing" potential in it.

That's when one of my friends mentioned that Twitter was actually a pretty good source for targeted traffic.

Now, a dozen visitors may not seem like much – but neither does just one hundred followers.

Right then though, I knew if I could quickly scale things up and grow the number of people “following” my Twitter profile - especially if they were targeted followers interested in the same things I was – I would have an excellent place to brand myself, generate targeted traffic, and increase my profits.

There were a few problems though...

  • I didn't want to blast my lists and annoy them to “follow me” on Twitter.
  • I didn't want to have to manually search for other targeted profiles
  • I didn't want to have to spend too much time managing and growing my list of Twitter followers.

  • I wanted to find a system that would not be spammy or blackhat in any way.
  • Most importantly, my system had to use only FREE resources.

With these points in mind, I started researching successful profiles on Twitter – the ones with at least one thousand followers. Then, I started looking at all the free 3rd-party tools that work with Twitter. My hope was that I could uncover a free system already available that would do what I wanted

– but none was to be found.

So I set out to create my own.

To make a long story short, after much research, testing and tweaking, I came up with a system that combined the power of free 3rd party Twitter tools along with a unique and simple to create one-line "code" based on a social engineering technique I had learned.

I now have over 1200 followers on my profile, and this number is now growing at a steady pace with 5-10 more new targeted followers every day - with no effort on my part.

And these followers are responsive too. In fact, my Twitter profile has been responsible for literally hundreds of extra dollars in new business in just the past week. I now rank it as one of my most valuable assets – right up there with my customer lists.

To your success,

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